Our purpose is simple. We want to strengthen the business case for alternative fuelling infrastructure and make it more economical.
Our Vision
Leading the transition to renewable energy for a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Our Mission
Relentlessly deliver economical solutions for renewable energy infrastructure through experimentation and continuous improvement.
Our Core Values
Customer Focused
Problem Solvers
Our Story
From focusing on off-road vehicles in Ontario to building stations for heavy-duty vehicles across the country, ComTech has become the leading developer of alternative fuelling infrastructure in Canada.
Formed in 2009, ComTech’s roots came from servicing CNG fuelling stations for ice-resurfacers and forklifts in Ontario. James Ro acquired the company in early 2015 based on the increasing CNG adoption trend in the U.S. with a focus on the heavy-duty vehicle segment (transit buses, refuse trucks and highway tractors). James wanted to take ComTech to the next level and play a leading role in helping the transportation sector in Canada transition to a carbon-neutral transportation fuel. With ComTech’s vertically integrated, turn-key platform, we are able to identify alternative fuelling infrastructure challenges and develop innovative product solutions to solve the problems. We want to share our knowledge and experience by exporting our product solutions in the U.S. and internationally. We have accomplished a lot since 2015.
Key Milestones
National, turn-key alternative energy infrastructure provider with a focus on high pressure (green) gaseous fuels – CNG, RNG and Hydrogen.
Diverse mix of in-house expertise, knowledge and experience to identify challenges and solve infrastructure problems.
Advanced manufacturing platform for the alternative energy sector with a focus on executing innovative ideas.
Full-time employees in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and Manitoba.
Trusted partner for blue-chip companies in the waste management, transit and transportation sectors.
Expanding into selling innovative product solutions worldwide
Why Comtech?
We have over 100 years of combined alternative fuelling experience and have been involved in some of the largest alternative energy projects across Canada.

ComTech creates solutions by simplifying complexities and addressing challenges up front optimizing processes, reducing costs and bottlenecks, while achieving an economical reduction in greenhouse gases, resulting in your success.

Our knowledge of alternative energy and culture of collaboration and continuous learning inspires us to immerse ourselves in your project, working with you to develop the right solution, on time and budget while delivering the customer service experience you deserve.

We are passionate about understanding your challenges and working with you to find the right solution. It is our pioneering spirit that drives us to look deeper and our experience that leads us to innovative solutions that work for you.
Health & Safety
Policy Statement
ComTech is firmly committed to providing a safe, healthy and environmentally responsible workplace for all employees, customers, subcontractors and any person(s) who may be affected by the work of our company.
ComTech commits to conducting our business in compliance with all Occupational Heath, Safety and Environmental Legislations.